Instance Segmentation
has a problem
Semantic segmentation
The semantic segmentation problem has a natural solution.
Instance Segmentation
For instance segmentation, some kind of trick is needed.
Existing solutions
Mask R-CNN / Yolo
Arbitrary concept of box. region proposal / grid. NMS.
Mask R-CNN / Yolo
Fails for complex intertwined shapes. Ugly.
Works ony for simple shapes with well defined centers. Ugly.
Cellpose 2020Diffusion simulation form object center. Predicts gradient, aka "path" to center.
Arbitrary concept of center. Local change has global impacts.
Local change has global impacts. Vanishing gradient. Kinda not ugly.
Global object understanding is needed. Fails if centers are next to each other.
Predicts directly multiple masks.
Similar objects -> same mask. I guess.
Facebook Segment Anything Model 2023Needs extra input. E.g. point. Generates mask containing the point.
Facebook Segment Anything Model
Grid can miss small objects. Lots of computation. Ugly.
Facebook Segment Anything Model
Apparently it's not perfect for complex shapes.
Border direction is all you need
Just predict the direction to the closest border.
Border direction is enough information for reconstructing the objects.
Parallel vectors -> same object
Diverging vectors -> same object
Converging vectors -> different objects
Why it's cool
- No boxes / assumptions about objects' shape.
- No made up definition of center.
- Only local context needed for prediction.
- Target is always well-behaved in [-1, 1].
- No ugly NMS.
- Robust to rescaling (?).
- Fast (?).
Not just border detection
Fragile. Mis-prediction in a few pixels can cause cascading error.
Not just border detection
Robust. Redundancy of information allows prediction stability.
A Better Definition
The simplest definition of border direction is "unstable".
A Better Definition
Gradient of the distance-to-border field.
Classic ResNet as network.
Predictions on the test set.
Instance segmentation
True positive is when intersection over union is above a threshold. 1: arbitrary threshold is involved
Problem 2: Integration is not intuitive anymore.
Very different kind of errors have the same metric.
Two classes: object and background. We have a target...
...and the model prediction. What are the errors?
Metric | Value (%) |
correct | 96.120 |
instance error | 3.880 |
split error | 6.209 |
merge error | 2.652 |